Second Generation KLIMA

Regardless of terrain, row size and trellis condition, the Gen 2 KLIMA is effective in almost any vineyard.

The GEN 2 KLIMA is designed to significantly reduce pruning costs over a 3-4 year period by undertaking a pruning rotation system. This would entail cane pruning in year 1 followed by cost effective spur pruning for years 2 & 3, at which point the cycle would start again with one season of cane pruning. The GEN 2 KLIMA will effortlessly mulch 2 to 3 year old cordons.

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Technical Services

In addition to our provision of labour and machinery, Labour Solutions also offers a number of technical services. Let our experienced and highly-qualified team of technical staff assist you in creating a more productive and profitable vineyard; offering independent advice on all viticultural matters from pre-purchase assessments to planting to harvesting to vineyard removal. 

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Labour Hire

We take enormous pride in our workforce and are delighted to see the same faces returning year after year. We use both local and international personnel to staff our teams. After so many years we have developed the selection and training of new workers into a fine art. You can be certain that when our workers arrive at your vineyard they will be trained and ready to professionally complete the task at hand.

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Machinery Hire

At Labour Solutions we have our own fleet of modern machinery that can be used in any vineyard in the region. Our operators are all experienced and highly-trained staff members with specialised knowledge of the machines they are operating.

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Labour Solutions Services

Labour Solutions is an established one-stop provider for all a vineyard’s labour and machinery needs.

We specialise in all facets of the wine-growing process, with the ability to assist our clients in every task from preparing the property for planting right up to the point the picked fruit is handed over to the winemaker. We can even assist with redeveloping or dismantling a vineyard.

Regardless of the size of the vineyard, the involvement of Labour Solutions can be as small or as great as the client requires.

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